Trade Risk Guaranty provides 6 benefits of international trade.

6 Benefits of International Trade on the U.S. Economy

by | Jan 9, 2017 | Importing Entry Process

On the heels of the 2016 election, there are many questions about the benefits of international trade. The following are 6 quotes acknowledging the benefits trade provides for the United States.

At many different moments in history, the subject of international trade has been used to strongly sway opinion in one direction or another. It is a hot button issue that has been a present and relevant part of modern culture since before the inception of the United States, and its importance has only intensified through the years.

No matter which side of any specific issue you may stand, it is important to remember the benefits of international trade and how it helps shape and form the world.

Quotes About the Benefits of International Trade

A few quotes in support of international trade for the United States economy.
“98% of the 304,000 U.S. companies that export their products are small and medium-sized companies.” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce
6 benefits of trade for the United States government.
“One in Four Manufacturing Jobs Depends on Exports.” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce
A few major benefits of trade for the United States.
“Trade supports 40 million jobs in the United States – more than 1 in 5 American jobs.” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce
One of the 6 reasons why trade is good for the United States from David Suzuki.
“Global trade has advantages. For starters, it allows those of us who live through winter to eat fresh produce year-round.” – David Suzuki
Benefits of trade for the United States economy.
“We rail at trade, but the historian of the world will see that it was the principle of liberty.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce provides a few benefits of international trade to the United States.
“Access to imports boosts the purchasing power of the average American household by about $10,000 annually.” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce
There are many global benefits of international trade that make our lives easier throughout the United States. With these benefits in mind, it is plain to see why trade is a vital part of our world that ultimately benefits the United States economy. So no matter how any individual may feel on the specifics of the topic, international trade will continue to an important component of our country’s future.
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