Customs Compliance

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Customs Compliance: C-TPAT

Customs Compliance: C-TPAT

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, affectionately known as C-TPAT, is a program US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched in order to better protect Americans, while still...

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Import Compliance

Import Compliance

Import compliance is one of the most significant issues a modern importer must deal with in their line of work. Let's learn why it affects nearly every aspect of the importing process. Keeping track...

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5 Tips for ISF Success

5 Tips for ISF Success

Importer Security Filing (ISF) is a government mandate requiring importers to file additional data elements for all shipments entering the U.S. via ocean cargo. Unless you are preparing for your...

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What is ISF?

What is ISF?

Developments in national security protocol have introduced a host of requirements importers must fulfill. One of these requirements is Importer Security Filing (ISF) and Additional Carrier...

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Is a Continuous Bond Needed to Cover My ISF?

Is a Continuous Bond Needed to Cover My ISF?

Purchasing a continuous Customs bond that has been amended to cover ISF is going to be your most economical option. If you will be importing at least two times during the course of 12 months you should apply for this bond no later than 2 weeks prior to you first shipment leaving the foreign port.

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