ACE will reduce the amount of paperwork needed to import into the United States. The new automated commercial environment (ACE) system for processing documentation will allow CBP to more accurately...
Customs Compliance
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Intro to Importing: Understanding a CF-29
A Notice of Action is an alert that you paid the incorrect amount of duties and fees when entering your goods into the United States. After an importer receives a Customs Form 28 (CF-28), Customs...
Intro to Importing: Understanding a CF-28
A CF-28 is the first step towards a claim from Customs. After you have imported goods into the United States, there is a chance that you may receive a Customs Form 28 (CF-28) concerning the entry...
What is a Commercial Invoice?
A commercial invoice is a legal document between a buyer and a seller specifying the goods being traded and their commercial value. A commercial invoice is a necessary document used in international...
Section 301 Exclusions Granted: List 1
The U.S.T.R. has announced Section 301 exclusions granted for List 1. Although exclusion to only 20 HTSUS codes have been issued at the moment, more may be granted. On December 28, 2018, the United...
3 Important Questions to Ask Your Customs Broker
Hiring a Customs Broker can be a very confusing process for an importer, especially if they are new to international trade. The following are three important questions to ask your Customs Broker....
[Webinar] Year-End Update on the Chinese Tariffs: Section 232 & 301
Trade Risk Guaranty holds an educational webinar with their sister company, Strix, covering a year-end update on the Chinese tariffs and the G20 Leader Summit. After the G20 Leader Summit, there...
What is the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act of 2018?
In September 2018, the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill was signed but what is it? And what is the intended purpose? The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act of 2018 (also referred to as MTB) was signed by...
[Webinar] Update on the Tariffs on Imports: Section 232 & 301
In another educational webinar presented by Trade Risk Guaranty and Strix, we go cover updates on the tariffs on imports from China and on steel and aluminum. As news continues to come out around...
What To Do When You Receive a Liquidated Damages Claim
Recieving a liquidated damages claim notice from Customs and Border Protection can be intimidating for small and medium-sized businesses, but taking the right next steps can save your business...
[Webinar] New Tariffs on Imports from China: Section 232 & 301
In a new webinar presented by Trade Risk Guaranty and Strix, we discuss the new tariffs on imports from China and Customs' environment of enforcement. Under the current United States administration,...
What is the Deal with the Section 232 Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum?
The new Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum officially began to go into effect at the start of May and they are already having a major effect on importer's bond sufficiency. Back on March 8,...