Drew Dudley gives an inspirational TED Talk on becoming a leader.

[Video] Everyday Leadership with Drew Dudley

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Business Growth

The founder of Nuance Leadership Development Services, Drew Dudley, discusses the small things that make us all leaders and how to embrace that position by fully becoming a leader.

Becoming a leader can be a difficult part of growing a business no matter what the industry. Most of us are intimidated by taking on the role of leader despite the fact that it is a natural part of owning and operating a company. But the big question is why? Why do we all seem to feel that we are not worthy of the title?

This is the exact topic Drew Dudley covered in his 2010 talk at TEDxToronto. In his TED Talk, Dudley discusses the idea of everyday leadership and how even the smallest gesture can have a large impact on a person or situation. He believes that by changing the way we define leadership, we can all realize our true potential to be leaders to those around us.

Watch the video and enjoy the full TED Talk by Drew Dudley.

How Becoming a Leader Can Increase Your Business Growth

Many companies fail to realize the direct coorelation between being an effective leader and the success of a business. However, there are quite a few ways in which strong leadership is vital to the goals of your company. The following are a few of these ways:

  1. Establishes better communication and people skills within the company
  2. Attracts top work talent
  3. Produces innovative thinking amoungst employees
  4. Challenges you to continually strive for better

When a company does acknowledge this link between leadership and sucess, they become much better positioned toward overall business growth.

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