Antidumping / Countervailing

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Types of Customs Import Duties

Types of Customs Import Duties

When importing into the United States, shippers should have an understanding of the different types of duties they will be required to pay upon entry. Customs Duties are an indirect tax imposed on...

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Customs Duties Deconstructed

Customs Duties Deconstructed

What are Customs duties? There are many different duties U.S. Customs and Border Protection may require an importer to pay. Some are related to the origins of the goods in question, and some to the...

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Anti-Dumping & Countervailing Duty: Research By Josh Froberg of TRG

Anti-Dumping & Countervailing Duty: Research By Josh Froberg of TRG

Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties are duties that are levied by US Customs in ord

Anti-Dumping & Counterveiling Duty Research by Josh Froberger to level the playing field. This is considered a “Priority Trade Issue” and is meant to allow fair trade and deter unfair trade. Dumping is defined as selling at a price below fair value, and Countervailing is defined as a foreign government subsidizing its industry that exports to the United States. There is an extensive process in the investigation, reviewing and enforcement of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties.

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