Additional duties on imports from Canada have gone into effect as of March 2025 and it is important to know how they will impact the filing of your entry summary. As of March 4, 2025, the Trump...
Importing Entry Process
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How to Declare Additional Duties on Imports from Mexico
Additional duties on imports from Mexico have officially gone into effect in March 2025, but how do you declare these duties on your entry summary? As of March 4, 2025, the Trump Administration has...
How Tariffs Impact Your Entry Summary When Importing into the U.S.
As new tariffs get announced and begin to go into effect, it is not always clear how these tariffs impact your entry summary when importing into the United States. When you make entry into the...
How to Declare Additional Duties on Imports from China
Additional duties on imports from China have officially gone into effect, but how do you declare these duties on your entry summary? As of February 4, 2025, the Trump Administration has officially...
A Comprehensive Guide to US Import Taxes and Tariffs
Are you involved in importing goods into the United States? Whether you're an individual or a business entity, understanding US import taxes, duties, and tariffs is essential. Keeping a close eye on...
How Often Do Antidumping and Countervailing Petitions Result in AD/CVD Cases?
Antidumping and Countervailing can be a scary topic for U.S. Importers when a petition is filed, but how often does that petition become an enforced case? Antidumping and Countervailing (AD/CVD) can...
Importing in the United States: What is a Debit Voucher?
The short timeframe associated with receiving a debit voucher from Customs and Border Protection can have a detrimental effect on a company's ability to import. Learning more about this type of...
What is HTS and HTSUS?
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes identify all internationally traded goods and are the same for all countries that use the HTS, while HTSUS codes are specific to the United States. Harmonized...
Customs Bond Activity Code Guide
There’s an array of activity codes associated with US Customs bonds. The most common bonds are activity code one importer bonds; however, the other types of Customs bonds play a crucial role in...
Are Your Goods Subject to the FDA?
Almost all food products imported into the U.S. are subject to review by the FDA. The decision to inspect the goods is based on:
Nature of the Product,
FDA Priorities,
Past History of the Commodity.
What is The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)?
The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a web-based system that the trade community uses to report imports and exports while the government determines admissibility. The ACE Secure Data Portal...
Human Resources for U.S. Importers
Human resources are available to importers who can help make the shipping and entry process easy from start to finish. Importers can often tackle all the necessary tasks involved with the U.S....