Supply Chain Security

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What is a Supply Chain?

What is a Supply Chain?

So, what is a supply chain? It is an intangible collection of import-related elements. There are many acronyms, industry-specific terms, and pieces of jargon thrown around in the world of global...

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Customs Compliance: C-TPAT

Customs Compliance: C-TPAT

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, affectionately known as C-TPAT, is a program US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched in order to better protect Americans, while still...

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5 Tips for ISF Success

5 Tips for ISF Success

Importer Security Filing (ISF) is a government mandate requiring importers to file additional data elements for all shipments entering the U.S. via ocean cargo. Unless you are preparing for your...

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What is ISF?

What is ISF?

Developments in national security protocol have introduced a host of requirements importers must fulfill. One of these requirements is Importer Security Filing (ISF) and Additional Carrier...

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Managing the Risks of International Trade

Managing the Risks of International Trade

Marine Cargo Insurance covers the loss, damage or theft of goods while in transit. Direct losses are only the tip of the iceberg as indirect losses are even more drastic to your company’s bottom line. Managing direct losses will help offset the effects of indirect losses.

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