LinkedIn: Travis Smith, Senior Account Executive 406-922-6526 Travis Smith is one of TRG's top salesmen with over six years experience under his belt, and he shows no...
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Trade Risk Guaranty Employee Profile: Lynda Keller 406-922-6518 Lynda Keller is a diligent member of our Admin Department and her attention to detail is matchless among the TRG staff. Although she's a transplant...
Trade Risk Guaranty Employee Profile: Rachel Finucane 406-922-6522 Rachel Finucane joined our Underwriting/Claims department as a Bond Claims Assistant. An expert in her field already, it's hard to believe she's...
Top 5 Winter Activities in Bozeman, Montana
There are numerous winter activities in Bozeman that people travel from miles around to enjoy. Check out the list below and learn about five popular activities Bozemanites wait all year to do. If...
Happy Thanksgiving 2015 from Trade Risk Guaranty
Thanksgiving 2015 is the first major event of the upcoming holiday season. In America, this holiday is recognized as an opportunity to strap on the feed bag and get down on Ma's (or Grandma's)...
Trade Risk Guaranty Employee Profile: Felicia Hamilton
LinkedIn: Felicia Hamilton, Senior Cargo Insurance Specialist 406-922-6626 Felicia Hamilton is a currently working diligently in our Marine Department—making...
Halloween In Bozeman, Montana
This Saturday (October 31, 2015) is a spooky holiday dubbed Halloween. There are numerous ways to have a fun Halloween in Bozeman, from hay-bale rides to haunted houses, so read the list below for...
5 Amazing Mountain Biking Trails Near Bozeman
Southwest Montana is home to numerous trails that meander through majestic mountain ranges offering spectacular views of Big Sky Country. This list will highlight five awesome mountain biking trails...
Labor Day 2015 in America: A Well-Deserved Day of Rest
Monday the 7th is Labor Day in America and many of us will be honoring this tradition in our own way. Traditionally celebrated on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is an American tradition,...
TRG’s Favorite State Parks
There's a reason it's called the Treasure State, and until you get out here, you'll never really know what that means. Listed below are TRG's favorite state parks near Bozeman, Montana you must...
TRG Wins 2nd Year of Commuter Challenge
After manhandling the 2014 local Commuter Challenge, we had to step up our game as the competition went statewide this year. For the month of May companies across the Treasure State competed against...
Memorial Day 2015
Next Monday will mark 2015's day of observance for all Americans who sacrificed their lives in armed conflict. Memorial Day (Decoration Day) was originally introduced to honor our fallen heroes as a...