Find out some great suggestions for things to do for memorial day 2015.

Memorial Day 2015

by | May 21, 2015 | TRG Events

Next Monday will mark 2015’s day of observance for all Americans who sacrificed their lives in armed conflict. Memorial Day (Decoration Day) was originally introduced to honor our fallen heroes as a result of the American Civil War.

Even though it’s a day of remembrance, it’s also a great chance to escape on an extended weekend adventure. Here at the office, many of us are already abuzz — sharing our plans for the weekend. These range from extravagant travel plans, to quality family time, to stay-cations. Whatever it may be, we hope everyone has an excellent weekend and a great Memorial Day. To start the weekend off on the right foot, here are some ideas inspired by the TRG staff.

Explore a New City – Drive or Fly

TRG employee, Linda, enjoys having oysters in Seattle during 2015 Memorial Day.

Three day weekends offer a great chance (assuming you don’t have to work Monday) to get out of dodge for the weekend. This is exactly what I will be doing, as I head to Seattle for the weekend. If you’re there, I shouldn’t be too hard to spot, just look for that awkward country bumpkin bumbling around with equal parts confusion and excitement on his face. If you can’t decide where you want to go, here’s a top 10 list for specific destinations on Memorial Day.

Back-Country Expedition

The Wind Rivers are truly otherworldly

Living at the foot of the Rockies affords Bozemanites ample places to escape civilization for a few days. The Wind River range, which is only a few hours drive away, is an awesome opportunity to take in otherworldly views only accessible via trails in the wilderness. Wind Rivers too far? That’s fine because Bozeman’s own Hyalite has just reopened it’s doors for the summer. Be warned: arrive early to claim a good spot as Hyalite can become fairly crowded this time of year.


Lizzy Loves Staycations for Memorial Day.

They happen, and sometimes they are just what the doctor ordered. It’s been a busy first quarter of the year, life is taking you by the horns, and what you really need is some serious rest and relaxation. So ditch that phone, bust out the PJ’s, and fire up your favorite guilty pleasure on Netflix. Or check out these awesome awesome ideas from Forbe’s. Sometimes Staycation’s last a bit longer than expected, and suddenly the dog-panion has found herself in a tiger costume as seen above.

What ever your choice is this weekend, we at TRG hope you have an amazing Memorial Day. Catch you next week!

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