With the recent updates implemented by CARM, many Canadian importers need to get more familiar with the Canadian D120 Customs Bond and how it works. The Canadian D120 Customs Bond has been part of...
Meredith Lambert
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Calculating Bond Size for the Canadian D120 Customs Bond
There has been a lot of talk about the upcoming requirement for Canadian importers to secure their own bond, but how can bond size be calculated before the June 2022 date? As of June 2022, it will...
Introduction to CARM and the Canadian D120 Customs Bond
The upcoming CARM regulations will make it mandatory for Canadian importers to have their own D120 Customs Bond as opposed to relying on the bond of their broker. A change is on the horizon for...
[Video] 3 Reasons U.S. Customs Bonds Are Deemed Insufficient
In an educational video, Trade Risk Guaranty identifies the top three reasons U.S. Customs Bonds are deemed insufficient. U.S. Customs Bond Sufficiency is one of those hard-to-grasp topics that...
[Webinar] Alternatives Ways to Purchase A Group Health Policy for Your Business
In a new installment of our educational webinar series, Trade Risk Guaranty is joined by our fellow PCF partner agency, Total Insurance, to introduce some alternative options to traditional options...
[Video] A Breakdown of a Customs Bond Insufficiency Letter
In an educational video, Trade Risk Guaranty explains what is included in a U.S. Customs Bond Insufficiency Letter and what each section means. U.S. Customs Bond Sufficiency continues to be a...
[Webinar] Why Are You Paying More For Cargo Insurance?
In a new installment of our educational webinar series, Trade Risk Guaranty explains why importers and currently paying more for cargo insurance and what caused the hard insurance market. Over the...
[Webinar] The Impact of COVID 19 on International Trade
In an educational webinar, Trade Risk Guaranty discussed the impact of COVID-19 on international processes around the world. As we all personally adjust to the new reality the coronavirus pandemic...
Number of Insufficient Customs Bonds in 2018 and 2019
TRG receives notices for insufficient Customs Bonds on the first week of every month for every bond we provide. So what did 2019 look like? Since Trade Risk Guaranty specializes in providing U.S....
TRG in Quarantine – Working from Home During COVID-19
The TRG team is working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak, but what does working from home actually look like? This year we have entered an unprecedented global situation none of us at Trade...
Coronavirus Impact on International Trade
In addition to the threat to human life, what will be Coronavirus impact on international trade and global supply chains? While the world works on mitigating the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Understanding an Insufficiency Letter for Your Customs Bond
When your bond is deemed insufficient by Customs, an importer will receive an insufficiency letter informing them. But what does it mean and what should you do? U.S. Customs and Border Protection...