Trade Risk Guaranty hosts a new installment in our webinar series with Strix covering the topic of what to do when you receive a CF-28 and a CF-29. As a United States Importer, the situation may...
Customs Compliance
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5 Things to Know About Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Classification
TRG is hosting a free webinar every Thursday at 1pm CT to introduce a new fully automated HTS classification SaaS, TRG Classify™. TRG Classify™ allows you to easily classify your goods in-house for only $2 per classification.
Register Here:
[Webinar] Customs in the New ACE Environment: What to Expect in 2018
Trade Risk Guaranty hosts a webinar with Strix covering the topic of what to expect with Customs and Border Protection and the ACE Environment in 2018. The start of a new year is the perfect time to...
Importing in the United States: What is a Supplemental Duty Bill?
Receiving a supplemental duty bill from Customs and Border Protection can be confusing for businesses new to importing. Trade Risk Guaranty has prepared the following to explain what this means and...
[Webinar] How to Handle a Claim on Your U.S. Customs Bond
Trade Risk Guaranty walks through the process of receiving a liquidated damages claim or a supplemental duty bill and how to handle a claim on your U.S. Customs bond. Receiving a claim on your U.S....
Importing in the United States: What are Liquidated Damages?
Liquidated Damages is a frequently used term in the international trade world and can be a confusing topic for small to medium sized importers. TRG is here to help clear away the confusion and,...
Importing Process: Understanding Your Entry Summary
The Entry Summary, also known as CBP form 7501, is a required document that needs to be filed with every entry of goods into the United States. When importing into the United States, there are many...
Why Your Surety is Concerned with Anti-dumping and Countervailing
Understanding why Customs bond providers and Sureties have an increased concern for imported goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties can help importers navigate through the confusing...
What are Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties?
In order to understand why Anti-dumping and Countervailing duties may apply to your goods, we must begin with understanding what they are and how they protect the United States economy. Anti-dumping...
Importing Process: Liquidation
The Liquidation process for goods entered into the United States is the final step for an entry. The following explains this process and what kind of time frame an importer can expect in typical...
Do I need an Irrevocable Letter of Credit?
TRG is here to clarify the confusion that surrounds acquiring an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. Including why you may need it and what is it used for. When purchasing a customs bond or in taking part...
How do I Find My Importer Number?
There are a number of ways for an importer to find their importer number, however, many businesses believe this is a hidden number that needs to stay that way. TRG helps remove the mystery behind...