The difference between HTSUS Codes and HS Codes can be unclear for many small business owners. Learn their distinctive differences to identify when each of these codes is necessary. Knowledge...
Customs Compliance
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Customs Bond Conditions: What You Need to Know to Prevent a Claim
You know you need a Customs bond, but do you know your responsibilities as the principal on the bond? TRG breaks down the top four Customs bond conditions to help you better understand and avoid a...
Importing in the United States: Power of Attorney
TRG has broken down what it means to give someone the power of attorney when entering your goods at a U.S. port of entry to help you remain compliant with customs. During the process of importing in...
Customs Bonds 101: Temporary Import under Bond
A Temporary Import under Bond (TIB) is one of the most common additions to the traditional importer bond. The content below will familiarize you with the specifics of the TIB. There are many types...
What Is the Difference Between Formal and Informal Entries?
There are many elements that come into play when determining the difference between Formal and Informal Entries. Knowing the differences will help you stay compliant and maintain an efficient trade...
Importing in the United States: Right to Make Entry
TRG is here to help you make sure you know who has the Right to Make Entry while importing in the United States. Make sure you stay informed and don't get lost in the importing process. During the...
Importing in the United States: An Introduction
The process of importing in the United States can be a confusing process for young companies to navigate. TRG has created this introduction to help clarify the basics of importing. Who are the CBP?...
Which PGAs and OGAs Should Importers Know About?
There are government agencies, known as Partner Government Agencies (PGA) and Other Government Agencies (OGA), which regulate commodities imported into America—knowing how they work will help...
Customs Bonds 101: Instruments of International Traffic
The Instruments of International Traffic Bond is one of the many Customs bonds available to importers. Although it's a common part of the importing community, this bond appeals to a very specific...
Customs Bonds 101: International Carrier Bond
The International Carrier Bond is a bond that applies to certain demographics. This bond is required to be on file for any business that operates vessels that travel by sea, air, or rail into the...
Customs Bonds 101: Foreign Trade Zone Operator Bond
The Foreign Trade Zone Operator Bond applies to specific regions of the U.S. in regards to importing. Read the content below and learn how this bond works. Foreign Trade Zone Operator Bonds are used...
Eagle Eye Reporting System, a Service Exclusive to Trade Risk Guaranty Clients
TRG's Eagle Eye reporting system is an innovative service offered exclusively to our bond holders. If you want to monitor your entries and stay compliant, this service can help. If you're currently...