Most people know shipping containers for their ability to transport goods across the ocean. Alternate uses for shipping containers include auctions and buildings. What happens to shipping containers...
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Informed vs. Enforced Compliance
ACE will reduce the amount of paperwork needed to import into the United States. The new automated commercial environment (ACE) system for processing documentation will allow CBP to more accurately...
Intro to Importing: Understanding a CF-29
A Notice of Action is an alert that you paid the incorrect amount of duties and fees when entering your goods into the United States. After an importer receives a Customs Form 28 (CF-28), Customs...
[Webinar] What is Your Ocean Carrier Responsible For?
Trade Risk Guaranty explains the responsibilities of ocean carriers and how you can protect yourself from disaster while your goods are in transit. There are many different parts of the importing...
Round 1 List 3 Exclusions Granted: Section 301
The U.S.T.R. announced the first round of Section 301 List 3 exclusions granted. These items will be excluded from the 25% tariff imposed on September 24, 2018. On August 7, 2019, the United States...
The History of Shipping Containers
The shipping container changed the way international trade is conducted. For centuries, humans have voyaged across the sea, bringing various cargo along with them. Towards the beginning of the 19th...
Round 1 List 2 Exclusions Granted: Section 301
The U.S.T.R. announced the first round of Section 301 List 2 exclusions granted. These items will be excluded from the 25% tariff imposed on August 23, 2018. On July 31, 2019, the United States...
Containers in the Columbia River: The Story of the Big Bin Barge
In 2003 the Big Bin barge made headlines when it capsized and dropped 100 shipping containers into the Columbia. Although a relatively small amount of cargo passes through the Columbia River, it is...
Intro to Importing: Understanding a CF-28
A CF-28 is the first step towards a claim from Customs. After you have imported goods into the United States, there is a chance that you may receive a Customs Form 28 (CF-28) concerning the entry...
Heavy Weather Dangers: The 1998 APL China Shipping Loss
In 1998 the APL China lost a record-breaking amount of cargo. This loss was caused by an Act of God, Typhoon Babs. The Pacific Ocean is full of unpredictable dangers. When a boat is bringing goods...
[Video] What is General Average Claims Process?
In an educational video, Trade Risk Guaranty explains the General Average claims process and how an adjuster calculates each party's contribution. The law of General Average (GA) can be a very...
MOL Comfort Accident: The Worst Shipping Disaster in History
In 2013 the biggest shipping loss to date occurred on the MOL Comfort. There is no guaranty that your goods will make it across the ocean when transporting via cargo ship. This cautionary tale...