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A Timeline of International Trade

A Timeline of International Trade

How have historical events affected trade over the years? See our brief timeline of international trade to learn about how trade has been transformed. From the Great Recession to the 2018/2019 Trade...

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The Importance of MID Numbers

The Importance of MID Numbers

The purpose of MID numbers are finally being realized along with the implementation of CBP’s new single window system ACE. Although they have existed for a while, MID numbers are being used to...

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5 Things to Know About ACE

5 Things to Know About ACE

Learn how ACE can benefit you and your organization. The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is CBPs new interface used to process documentation. The single window streamlines and automates the...

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Informed vs. Enforced Compliance

Informed vs. Enforced Compliance

ACE will reduce the amount of paperwork needed to import into the United States. The new automated commercial environment (ACE) system for processing documentation will allow CBP to more accurately...

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