international trade

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What Are the Top 10 U.S. Imports?

What Are the Top 10 U.S. Imports?

American imports totaled $2.614 trillion last year. Read the list below to find out which products made up the top 10 U.S. imports for 2018. The following list details the top 10 U.S. imports in...

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How Shipping Containers are Made

How Shipping Containers are Made

Shipping containers are a vital part of international trade. Learn about how these steel boxes are created. Millions of shipping containers are used every day to transport goods. Shipping containers...

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The Dangers of Misdeclared Cargo

The Dangers of Misdeclared Cargo

Misdeclared cargo can pose a serious danger to shippers. See how misdeclaration occurs and how you can be held liable for damages. The KMTC containership was docked in Thailand on May 27th earlier...

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World’s Busiest Shipping Lanes

World’s Busiest Shipping Lanes

Container ships use shipping lanes to transport goods across the world. Learn about the world's busiest shipping lanes and their traffic. Since ancient times boats transporting goods have taken...

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Who Owns Shipping Containers

Who Owns Shipping Containers

All import/export companies use shipping containers to transport goods across the ocean. But who owns these shipping containers? Shipping containers are used by every business transporting goods...

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History of NAFTA

History of NAFTA

NAFTA is the largest free trade agreement in the world. It has changed how the United States conducts trade with Canada and Mexico. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement...

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A Timeline of International Trade

A Timeline of International Trade

How have historical events affected trade over the years? See our brief timeline of international trade to learn about how trade has been transformed. From the Great Recession to the 2018/2019 Trade...

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