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Record Keeping Best Practices for Importers and Exporters

Record Keeping Best Practices for Importers and Exporters

TRG attended another successful event hosted by the International Compliance Professionals Association (ICPA) this past March. With educational sessions ranging from the Pros and Cons of Direct-filing to Understanding Incoterms, attendees were buzzing about the depth of knowledge presented at this conference. Mike Laden of TRG Direct presented Import/Export Recordkeeping Best Practices.

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Is a Continuous Bond Needed to Cover My ISF?

Is a Continuous Bond Needed to Cover My ISF?

Purchasing a continuous Customs bond that has been amended to cover ISF is going to be your most economical option. If you will be importing at least two times during the course of 12 months you should apply for this bond no later than 2 weeks prior to you first shipment leaving the foreign port.

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How Long Does it Take to Place a US Customs Import Bond?

How Long Does it Take to Place a US Customs Import Bond?

If you currently do not have continuous Customs bond on file and are looking to get one in place you have come to the right place. However, in order to get your bond placed in a timely manor you will need to make sure to fully complete the application so TRG can submit the application to US Customs on your behalf.

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International Carrier Bonds Are on the Rise

International Carrier Bonds Are on the Rise

This bond ensures operators properly manifest all goods and passengers they carry, pay for the overtime services of Customs officers and comply with all regulations related to the clearance of their vehicles.

All commercial carriers, including Part 135 charter for hire operators, arriving directly or indirectly in the United States from foreign countries or departing the United States for foreign destination by vessel, vehicle, or aircraft, are required to have an approved International Carrier Bond on file with Customs and Border Protection. Application should be made per the following instructions prior to submission of a Customs Form 301.

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Managing the Risks of International Trade

Managing the Risks of International Trade

Marine Cargo Insurance covers the loss, damage or theft of goods while in transit. Direct losses are only the tip of the iceberg as indirect losses are even more drastic to your company’s bottom line. Managing direct losses will help offset the effects of indirect losses.

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Why get a Quote for your Import Bond?

Why get a Quote for your Import Bond?

Many people we speak with are unaware that the Customs import bond is the same no matter where it is purchased. Until now they have probably obtained their bond through their broker. They are then overcharged for this continuous bond year after year, not knowing there are ways to cut costs.

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