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What is an Excise Tax?

What is an Excise Tax?

An excise tax is a legislated tax on specific goods such as fuel, tobacco, and alcohol. The IRS establishes the amount of this tax, and CBP collects it on its behalf. When importing into the United...

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Shipping FCL vs. LCL

Shipping FCL vs. LCL

There are two options for container shipping. Shippers can choose to ship in a private, separate container or share a container with other shippers. Both of these options have advantages depending...

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2020 United States Trade Wrap-Up

2020 United States Trade Wrap-Up

As we enter into 2021, it is essential to look back and reflect upon the events that occurred in the international trade industry through the year 2020. 2020 was a year for the books. Along with the...

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What is an Import Penalty?

What is an Import Penalty?

Inaccurate classification of goods, valuation of goods, country of origin, or goods not invoiced or declared can lead to CBP applying an import penalty on an importer. Import penalties are fines and...

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