The Entry Summary, also known as CBP form 7501, is a required document that needs to be filed with every entry of goods into the United States. When importing into the United States, there are many...
Meredith Lambert
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[Video] Everyday Leadership with Drew Dudley
The founder of Nuance Leadership Development Services, Drew Dudley, discusses the small things that make us all leaders and how to embrace that position by fully becoming a leader. Becoming a leader...
Why Your Surety is Concerned with Anti-dumping and Countervailing
Understanding why Customs bond providers and Sureties have an increased concern for imported goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties can help importers navigate through the confusing...
The History of Women in International Trade
TRG takes a deeper look at the history of women in international trade and how far the industry has come in providing opportunities for women Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day and to...
[Webinar] The Basics of Antidumping and Countervailing
Trade Risk Guaranty hosts an educational webinar covering the basics of antidumping and countervailing, and how it can affect the process of importing in the United States. The subject of...
TRG Team Carves Ice with the Sweet Pea Festival
Trade Risk Guaranty assembles a TRG Team to participate in an ice carving event the Sweet Pea Festival organized in Bozeman, Montana. Every August in Bozeman there is one event we all enjoy the...
What are Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties?
In order to understand why Anti-dumping and Countervailing duties may apply to your goods, we must begin with understanding what they are and how they protect the United States economy. Anti-dumping...
What Happens to Decommissioned Container Ships?
After years of use in the international trade routes around the world, decommissioned container ships find a final resting place with a purpose off the coast of Texas. Due to the recent popularity...
[Webinar] What You Need to Know About Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF)
In the first webinar of 2017, Tyler Zaichkin explains everything importers need to know about buying their insurance on CIF Terms. One of the most common methods for businesses to purchase their...
Importing Process: Liquidation
The Liquidation process for goods entered into the United States is the final step for an entry. The following explains this process and what kind of time frame an importer can expect in typical...
Do I need an Irrevocable Letter of Credit?
TRG is here to clarify the confusion that surrounds acquiring an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. Including why you may need it and what is it used for. When purchasing a customs bond or in taking part...
How do I Find My Importer Number?
There are a number of ways for an importer to find their importer number, however, many businesses believe this is a hidden number that needs to stay that way. TRG helps remove the mystery behind...